STUDY #4 :
Merging two companies
life solutions that have been designed and provided by MRE Consulting
Group and allied firms.
A manufacturer
of office supplies has its' home office on the East Coast. They
have manufacturing in Central America, and in Asia. After purchasing
one of their major suppliers in the Mid-Western US, a year later they
were still having many difficulties in properly combining the corporate
cultures and information systems. They asked us to help.
In actuality,
there was no real plan to examine the two corporate cultures
and information systems in advance. This is often very difficult
to do from the inside, because of perspective issues. It is very
hard to be objective about one's own operation. This lack of impartial
study of the relative strengths, weaknesses, and obstacles to integration
was the core problem as we saw it.
After spending
enough time to interview all of the key personnel at the parent company,
including gaining a full understanding of their organizational structure,
methods of operation, and the flow of information, we next spent a few
days doing the same thing at the acquired firm. Upon presenting
our findings, the CEO of the parent company expressed some surprise
and great interest that the systems of the acquired company were largely
superior to his own! We presented a plan to merge the information
systems and run the two companies as one company. Ultimately the parent
company moved its' home offices to the city the acquired company was
in, a reversal of roles that became obvious once the facts were looked
at impartially.